Third In A Series
In the first two installments of this series on the aggregation of employers and employees, we spent a dark and stormy night with the owners of SMALLCO and SMALL Vineyards and their advisors learning about the controlled group ...
[Read more] about Employee Aggregation Rules: Affiliated Service Groups
Health & Welfare Blog
Employee Aggregation Rules: Leased Employees
Fourth And Final (Whew!!) Of A Series
In our first three action-packed episodes on the aggregation of employers and employees, we spent a dark and stormy night with the owners of SMALLCO and SMALL Vineyards and their advisors learning about the ...
[Read more] about Employee Aggregation Rules: Leased Employees
Affordable Care Act Compliance: The DOL Is Auditing
The Department of Labor (DOL) appears to be focusing its scrutiny on welfare benefit plans in response to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA). Now that Obamacare implementation is well underway, practitioners have ...
[Read more] about Affordable Care Act Compliance: The DOL Is Auditing
Cafeteria Plans: Are You Serving “Taxic” Waste To Your Employees?
Employers may be very surprised to discover that they have a cafeteria plan and do not even know it, or that they have a cafeteria plan that improperly offers certain benefits to their employees. As a result, they are serving their employees "taxic" ...
[Read more] about Cafeteria Plans: Are You Serving “Taxic” Waste To Your Employees?