At some points in the life of the ESOP loan, you may find it advantageous or necessary to refinance that debt. This article examines the factors fiduciaries should consider, including the benefit of the refinance to the company versus the benefit to the ESOP participants; the impact on current participants versus future participants; and whether the ESOP should be compensated for agreeing to the refinance.

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Employee Benefits Law Group is a deep and diverse team of experts working to make your life easier and improve your outcomes in every aspect of employee benefits. Our clients know we listen, probe and understand their challenges and objectives. We ask the questions they didn't know needed to be asked. They count on us to deliver solutions that become part of their company's overall success.
EDITOR’S NOTE: We did the best we could to make sure the information and advice in this article were current as of the date of posting to the web site. Because the laws and the government’s rules are changing all the time, you should check with us if you are unsure whether this material is still current. Of course, none of our articles are meant to serve as specific legal advice to you. If you would like that, please call us at (916) 357-5660.